Friday, May 31, 2013

And They Became One

Marriage... it's a funny thing!! How can standing in front of people and saying 'I do' make you joined to someone for the rest of your life?? Then you get to start living with this wonderful person you thought you knew.... only wait, why are they acting like that??!! :) Hee hee... But what would I do without my wonderful man?? Life is certainly MUCH more fun with him around. In fact, I try to be around him as much as I can. I know that every other person would eventually get on my nerves...

All of these thoughts are stemming from just watching Laban and Bethany tie the love knot. Oh what fun it was to attend a wedding again! Watching them be so in love.... new love is a fun, beautiful thing to watch! Of course it makes my heart sing when it's family and when they are so happy together. Praise the Lord for His provision in their lives! We pray they have an exceptional marriage that is a witness to those around them. It was also fun to see family again.... and friends that we haven't seen for a long, long time. Ava really enjoyed her time with her cousins and grandparents. I think I heard her ask for Grandma more than me over that trip. In fact, on the way home she was still thinking we might be going to see Grandma at some point again. The whole trip went so fast, much faster than I anticipated. We had something to do constantly and are still trying to catch up on sleep:) It was also much colder than I thought it was going to be.... We stepped out of the airport to 55 degrees and thought we might not survive the week! But alas we did....

Bridal Party awaiting the Bride(I didn't even get a picture of the beautiful Bride, I was too busy taking care of two girlies! Terrible huh??)

My eyes were on him.... :)
Traveling with two littles is definitely more interesting than traveling with Clint and I only! Whew.... It is doable but is not necessarily enjoyable:) Especially when your flight gets delayed for four hours.

Grandpa with his granddaughters


7 weeks and lovin' it!

--Ava getting some playground time in--

So now all the fun is over and we are back home... back to daily life. We got home on Wednesday, packed on Thursday and we will move Saturday! We are moving to Ti Goave to Darv and Jo Siebel's while they are on furlough for a couple of months. So we are about to find a new normal once again. When they come home, we will hopefully have a house lined up to rent close by. After that, we hope to be settled for a long while. 'But they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31


  1. Was so fun to get to spend some time with you! We enjoyed it so much! God bless your endeavors and we have you in our thoughts and prayers! Also thank you so much for the little treaure i found! Was so fun to find it and it brought a big smile to my face! Glad you made it home and had a good trip!

    1. So glad it worked out to spend the night and a little of the next day with you....! Thanks again! You are welcome anytime:)

  2. so look who's on blogger!! I saw it in some random google search on ag in haiti.
