Tuesday, September 3, 2013


 All of life is an adventure I suppose, but some of the adventures inside of life is what really makes life worth living! You know?? The memories made, bonds between family strengthened... and most of all, God being glorified--it makes me excited! It makes me want to get up and face yet another day!! God IS GLORIOUS!! Can't wait until that day, when we meet Him face to face. I was just thinking the other day about how little I actually think about living with Christ Jesus for eternity. If I would think about that every day, at various times throughout the day, would I live a different kind of life?? Would I be more aware that the little things that bother me are really nothing, that the people that need Jesus are many, and that the time is SHORT??!! Oh Lord, please help me to not be so caught up in the day to day that I miss opportunities right in front of my face!

Our current adventure....We finally moved into a house that we have a whole year contract on! Woo hoo!! I am permanently unpacking boxes for the first time in a year. Darv, Jo and family arrived home Thursday and we moved out that night. The initial three days at the new home were not altogether desirable, plumbing wasn’t working right and we only had generator power. Half of the lights in the house didn’t work either. Seems kind of silly to move into a new house in which the plumbing doesn’t work and half of the lights don’t either! But finally after Clint slaved for a few days, the plumbing is fixed and we are on invertor power! Now we are trying to work on all those other little projects that make a house a home. And if you didn’t know already, the house is PINK inside and out. Yep, that’s right—PINK!! Poor Clint, three girls and a pink house. It’s like a fairy tale!! J I’ll post more pictures later….

Notice how they painted right up to the pile of sand.. 

Love my little family!
Another adventure we had recently, was one of hiking to the most gorgeous beach we have ever been to! Nothing shouts Jesus' name like nature.... and believe me, this one shouted loud. You know Clint, always looking for a new place to go! He found a beach about a half hours drive away, the only catch being that you cannot drive to the beach. You drive till the road ends and then you walk the rest of the way. We set out one Sunday after church and asked along the way to make sure we were headed in the right direction. We reached the end of the road and asked about how far of a walk it was. The locals thought maybe thirty minutes or longer. Whew--they were not joking!! It took us 45 minutes each way. But the beauty was worth it… and the sandy kiddos! We were also thankful for helpful locals who carried Ava up and out for us, as well as our cooler... who can go to the beach without a cooler??!! 

Coconut Beach

See the rock waaayyy down at the bottom in the water? That's the beach!

The nursery is changing so much! I hadn’t been for a couple of months and got to go the other day. What fun… coffee is growing! July and August were a busy time at the nursery, filling sacks with dirt and transplanting the seedlings. Now it’s all done and we are waiting for God to bring the increase. We are so thankful for Boss Asin—he does a great job at keeping everything in line.

Nursery at a distance

Filling sacks with dirt

And more....

Clint and Boss Asin

Oh yes, I nearly forgot this adventure.... We butchered a pig in July! We bought a pig several months ago, raised it out, and now it's delicious sausage in our freezer! Of course we had no idea how to go about the butchering part, so Simeon and Melanie and Mahlon and Dorothy from Blue Ridge came out on Friday evening and helped us through the whole process. 


And a couple more photos to complete this loooonngg overdue update....! Blessings on your day!!
Headed home from Jo's house -- with a full load!

Sweet Baby Girl..

We still miss you Marykate!


  1. I'm so happy to read this!! I cannot believe how BIG your girls are getting! And I still love that Clint is living in a PINK house. That beach looks GLORIOUS. I love seeing creation give God glory. And I love you..

  2. We really enjoy being able to keep up with your "adventurous" life! God bless you in your new home.
    U. Phil's
