Wednesday, April 9, 2014


It hit me like a ton of bricks. "I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me,  but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have LEARNED in whatever situation I am to be content." Phil. 4:10-11 Why has it taken me 27 years to see that word, learned?? The definition of learn-to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience. Seriously!? And all this time I thought Paul was a super apostle, that when God returned his sight and saved him, he received everything he needed to be the perfect evangelist. Great news people, learning is something we do every day, all our lives long. If Paul can learn this, then I can too. I just pray that as we learn to be content with what gives us and where He places us, that we don't let ourselves become complacent! Keep your fire burning in us Lord....

January started the year off with a bang! We have had several visitors this year and everyone came within a few days of each other. It was a busy several weeks but we had so much fun! Dwayne, Trent and Clint spent four days in the mountains teaching about the soil. All the meetings were well attended and the people were so excited about what they learned. After their group left, Doug Flora's stayed with us a few days before going to help on the GB team. This was our first time with their sweet family and their first time here. We didn't give them a lot of time to catch their breath!They were real troopers. A few days after they left, Brett and Tina and her family came to stay with us for almost a week. They helped us do so many things around here, poured some concrete, moved our water tank up higher, planted grass; they more than earned their keep:) I can't believe I'm looking back on all of this as a memory already. Time flies....

Happy Birthday Justin!
Fun with the Flora's!
Ava and Bryce
Playing at the beach
Thinks she is big stuff!

While Clint's parents were here, we spent a few days in Soliette finishing up Massouk's house. We are pretty excited and so was Massouk, that he can finally have a place to stay every night! Thanks everyone who contributed... we can't say enough how much we appreciate it! After they finished up his house, they worked on building a pen for the goats. Now the goats stay in the pen everyday, all day and Massouk brings grass from the garden to feed them. Massouk had wanted to be baptised for several months now and it finally happened in February. It still thrills my heart to remember that day! He loves the Lord so much....

The finished house and goat pen!
The back side of Massouk's house
The hillside is where the grass gets cut to take to the goats
'Helping' Grandma
This is what was really happening! (notice the socks and shoes-this
girl begs to wear them on occasion. Bet this isn't the story you other moms
are hearing right now is it?!) 
Before baptism
Angels are rejoicing!!
Clint's days continue to be very busy. The program has switched its focus from coffee, to soil conservation and a goat farm.  I see less and less of him here at the house as he's out and about organizing and planning. He really enjoys going in the mountains and helping teach the farmers about soil conservation. So far, we have been blessed with godly, hardworking employees who really work hard. In the near future, building the goat barn will commence.

At the nursery
Nursery-Vetiver grass-the kind used in soil conservation
As for the rest of life lately, I'll let the pictures tell the story of the highlights... Celebrate Jesus!

Sweet Mia
On our way to Soliette
Big truck on it's side-part of the traffic jam
Playing in the cupboards
Worms... the reason I sift my flour!
Happy 2nd Birthday Onyl!
This is how we get our drinking water...
Playmates... on a rare occasion!
Erica and Ava
Trusses for the goat barn that Layne helped weld

Buying a pair of sandals---he had to finish sewing them before giving them to Clint. 
Grandpa and Mia
Happy 1st Birthday Mia Gabrielle!
This girl didn't want her hands dirty--she barely touched her cake
Yep that's right-two cupboards! This is a big deal people, I
still walk into the kitchen just to look at these beauties!
Much better than my grandma's gold, tupperware silverware container
Busy days--three under three... We got to babysit Onyl
every morning for a week!


  1. So excited to "hear from you" again!

  2. Love all the pict!!! Mia!!! She's getting BIGGER!!! Such a cutie pie!! Lovey!! And I miss miss miss you Ava!!
