Thursday, July 23, 2015

Days Gone By

So who updates their blogs these days anyway?? Obviously not me, seeing as it's been since October since I've last written one word. It's one of those things that constantly niggles at the back of my mind. To be quite honest, I never feel like our life has that much worth reporting. But if you want to read my ramblings, read on!

I know when I last wrote that Ti Goave was a pretty exciting place to live. Thankfully, soon after that post, it became boring again! Whew. It's so nice to just get out whenever we need to without wondering if today is a day for demonstrations or not. Makes me think of other countries that are constantly shut in. We are blessed beyond anything we can imagine. Just a quick overview month by month of what has been happening.

In the middle of November, we found out that my mom's cancer was not going to be curable. We headed back as soon as we could get tickets, not knowing how long we would be there. We arrived on my birthday, and I will forever treasure hearing her tell me 'Happy Birthday' that one last time. My entire family was able to be there those last two weeks with her and we are so thankful for that. We all had time to have one last chat with her, and tell her that we loved her, and would miss her. Thanks to all who prayed for us during that time. I know that some are taken suddenly and don't get the opportunity to say good-bye. I think-I know-God knows just what each one of us needs. He is faithful and even though it hurts, the thought of seeing her again someday definitely takes the sting of separation away just a bit.

We flew home from Ohio on December 9th and had only a couple weeks before our crazy busy winter schedule started. We did celebrate Christmas and New Year's by sharing the holidays with Darv and Joanna Seibel's family and whoever else was around to remember the season. Jo and I joke that we don't really celebrate any holidays here in Haiti-we don't celebrate the Haitian holidays because they don't mean a lot to us, and we don't celebrate ours because they don't mean a lot to the Haitians! This year, we did a Christmas party for the employees. We went to a local restaurant where the lady in charge had fixed a FEAST! We didn't eat near all the food, which is a record where Haitians are involved. It was a fun night with several games and gifts. One of the employees wife was newly pregnant and terribly sick. She happened to sit next to me and every few seconds she would spit into a little glass baby food jar. When they brought the food, she quickly escaped to the other side of the roof(where we were eating) and stayed there until we left. Poor thing, she felt truly horrible. Clint had a flu bug, so he didn't feel any better. He didn't eat one single thing and when he got home, promptly got sick. Memories!
Three of the employees who work at the goat farm
This is only part of the Christmas party feast!
In January, we had several different sets of visitors. Justin Yoder came the middle of January and spent three weeks helping Clint around the farm. That was a huge boost in tying up several loose ends. Doug and Justin Flora came early before the GB team got started and spent a few days with us. We managed to squeeze in a day to the beach amid all the work.
Quality time reading books
The beginning of February brought Clem and Bev Bowman and their family to help with a soil conservation conference. Mike and Joanna Martin from Fond Parisian, Haiti also came with their four boys to help as well. We didn't have room for every one at our house so Mike's stayed down at Darv's. The conference was three days long, in a different location each day. The guys left early each day and arrived home after supper.  During the day, we had three adults and eleven children in the house! It got a little loud at times, but everyone did really well and we had a great time. We loved every minute with special friends around! Three days after Clem's left, Ken and Velma Stull and Kris Peters came to be with us for a week. Ken worked his magic in our kitchen and I now have very lovely cupboard doors and two drawers! Of course, you can't keep Velma and Kris busy enough either. They painted our living room and entry way and all the cupboard doors. I think there were only a few moments during the whole time that we were not working! We enjoyed them being here so much! Come back so you can relax sometime:) The day that Ken's left, Dad and Mom Bower came for ten days. Every day spent with family is special... Especially for our girls. Their love for Grandpa and Grandma knows no bounds!

I'm sure these two were talking farming.... (photo credit: Justin Yoder)
Everything is fun with a friend or two
Ava and Sophia
Painting, painting, and more painting!
Oops, that came as a surprise even to her!! We
had a good laugh!! 
Ken, hard at it
There is more than one way to get the meat out
of a coconut. I guess this is the woodworkers' way!
Glorious sunset from up above Ti Goave. God, you are truly
Always happy to help Grandma!
In March we tried to slow down and breathe a little:) I really don't remember what happened that month! Random things kept us busy. We went to Santo Domingo for a couple days in an attempt to find some goats to buy for breeding stock at the farm. It was a successful trip; we didn't purchase any goats but were able to make several contacts with farms who have beautiful goats available. Clint is trying to better the genetics in his herd and the cost to import a goat from the US can be quite expensive. We are hoping this will be a better alternative.

Morning chats with Massouck out on the wall
These girls would play together every day if they could...
and have a tea party every day too.
April found Clint studying at ECHO, learning more about fruit trees in the tropics. He really enjoys learning and studying, so this was a fun time for him. Also, he loves meeting new people:) Phil and Beth spent a couple days with us; one day we went to Bassin Bleu. This is a beautiful waterfall in Jacmel that you have to hike to. It's not a hard hike and it's totally worth it. Absolutely beautiful even if it is cold enough that you don't want to spend too long swimming in it. Mia celebrated her 2nd birthday on the 4th! Happy Year, sweet girl!!

Mia Gabrielle
Happy 2nd Birthday, Mia!
May brought several different visitors which always keeps me, and Clint, busy. Caleb Jenkins came and set up Quickbooks for the program. That has been a bit time consuming as we have learned how to use it; but it becoming much faster as we learn more. Alicia and Edlyns Newcomber came and stayed with us girls for a few days; that was a huge highlight for us! Both of our husbands were going to be gone for a couple days and I just happened to be talking to her right before they both left. I told her to come keep us company, so she did. It was good for the girls to have a young boy to play with for a change, it gives them a little break from babies and princess:) And I loved having another girl around for a couple days!
Edlyns, Ava and Mia
June was spent sewing and getting ready for furlough. And what a furlough it was!! It was very anticipated by all of us and went much too quickly! We decided this year we would spend time with each of our siblings at their houses. First stop was Clint's sister's in Kansas-Orin and Melinda Mason. The trip started out with a great big delay. Flight delayed going out of Miami into Dallas... then canceled, had to overnight in Miami. Next day we were an hour and a half late leaving Miami which made us miss our connecting flight out of Chicago. But only by about 5-10 minutes. We arrived in Wichita, KS 28 hours after originally planned! We had two and a half wonderful, busy days there and then drove to eastern KS to be with my sister-Matt and Renee Edgecomb for another two and a half days. After that we flew to WA to be with Clint's brother and sil-Laban and Bethany. We enjoyed every single minute (minus the delays:() with each family. It went so quickly but was so worth it! After six days in WA, we flew to Ohio for ten days--the remainder of the three weeks. I don't say this lightly, friends and family are a BLESSING!!! Some highlights were: worshipping at church, bbq's with friends, July 4, ice cream, quality time with siblings, among many more. I sure did miss my dear mom....
Walks down to the canal were a great time! 
Can't beat ice cream on a hot day!
July 4th.... Fun with friends 

This finally brings us to July.... up to date and current!! We came home to an extremely dirty house! We can't shut it up completely from the outside weather so there was dirt and dust everywhere. Cleaning came first and then unpacking! Ava's birthday was Sunday, the 12th. Darv and Joanna's family came in the evening to help us celebrate with popcorn and cake. Four years old is a fun age so far:) Yesterday we took a huge load of grass and feed up to Soliette for our goats up there. If you think of it, pray for Soliette. That area hasn't had rain for seven months and looks like a dessert. The last two plantings have been lost and even one of the springs in the area has nearly dried up. These people have next to nothing to begin with, now they have nothing to live on and nothing to sell. It makes my heart ache. To top it off, as we neared Ti Goave, it started raining so hard we couldn't see the road clearly. This morning, the rain gauge said one inch and seven tenths. It's so hard to understand God's ways sometimes.... I trust Him, but I certainly don't understand. If we could see the whole picture, I'm sure it would be as clear as crystal! Our God, HE IS FAITHFUL!!

A favorite spot to play
Pig Project

Chicken Project
Checking the goats
Happy 4th Birthday, Sweet Ava!!